
Julie’s Birthday

So many girlfriends, so many birthdays, so little time…

Julie McCrillis

I’m in trouble. M’s extended birthday celebration is sending ripples through my social network. This morning our friend Julie, who helps us keep our lives in order, came over, and announced that today is HER birthday.

I can’t figure out why she didn’t take the day off, but she showed up for work this morning and started in by telling me she and her husband, Sean, were wondering how long M’s birthday was going to last. They have been closely following my Facebook posts about the BIG EVENT, and they think there are other things that might be of more interest to my extensive network of followers than Day 7 of my wife’s birthday celebration. I told her I thought it was just about over to which she responded with “it better be because today is my birthday and I don’t want any part of Marilynn’s birthday leaking into mine.”

So, M’s birthday is officially over. Today it’s all about Julie.

But, I’m not really in trouble with Julie; the problem is with her husband Sean. Apparently, Julie thought that Sean should do something similar to my FB posts and he did not rise to the occasion. In fact he didn’t meet her other expectations – no present, no birthday card, just a birthday wish on the way to catch their ferry this morning. So, Julie used my FB stuff to rub it in. Now Sean, who is a Redmond police officer, hates me for making him look bad. I don’t want to be on the wrong side of law enforcement, so I’m hoping things will straighten themselves out. Here they are in happier times.

Julie and Sean

So, I repeat, this is Julie’s BIG EVENT. Happy Birthday, Julie. M and I hope that you and Sean can overcome your disappointment and his resentment and enjoy the rest of the day.

Good luck, Sean.

More tomorrow…

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