Supreme Hypocrisy…

I went to law school during the era of the Earl Warren Supreme Court (1953 to 1969). So did Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She graduated from Columbia in 1959. I graduated from Boalt Hall at UC Berkeley in 1965. That’s about as close as I ever came to being on the same playing field as RBG.

Her death last week brought both grief and controversy. Her passing was not unexpected but it was politically untimely and has inflamed passions on both sides. Someone will be appointed to succeed her, but no one can replace her. She was one of a kind, and when she lies in state in Statuary Hall at the US Capitol on Friday, she will notch another first… the first woman ever to be accorded the honor.

I’m passing quickly through the five stages of grief – denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Every morning this week I’ve begun my day listening to Gregorian chants and every evening given myself over to a goyish version of sitting shiva (the week long mourning period observed by a Jewish family).

I’m trying not to get caught up in the successor controversy. Senate Republicans have the votes to confirm whomever the president nominates in the foreshortened time frame of the upcoming election and presidential inauguration. As Mr. Trump says, “It is what it is.”

On the other hand, there is the supreme hypocrisy of a process that denied Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland, a hearing with ten months to go in the presidential term and this rush to confirm in 43 days. Regardless, it looks like Trump’s nominee will be a sitting member of the Supreme Court on January 20, 2021 and with 200 federal judges already confirmed by the Senate since 2016, American jurisprudence will be changed for generations.

But America itself has already changed… In four short years we have seen the nation transformed from a democracy courageous enough to elect an African American president to a backward-looking country ignorant enough to elect a white supremacist.

RBG saw it coming and called Mr. Trump a “faker” during the 2016 campaign. She said she could not imagine what it would be like if he became president. She realized the remark was inappropriate and almost immediately acknowledged her error by saying, “Judges should avoid commenting on a candidate for public office.”

On a higher note, I’m sure she would agree with Adam Cohen’s analysis of the court in Supreme Inequality: The Supreme Court’s Fifty-Year Battle for a More Unjust America. With precision and perspective, Mr. Cohen, a member of the New York Times editorial board and editor in chief/president of Volume 100 of the Harvard Law Review, details the court’s rightward march in favor of corporations and wealthy individuals to the detriment of the middle class and poor. 

“Cohen’s ambitious, well-written book makes a convincing case that the court has contributed to growing inequality through its rulings on everything from election law and education to corporate law and crime.” —Christian Science Monitor

Mr. Cohen shows us case by case how the court has changed since liberals dominated the Warren court of the 60s and 70s. The pendulum swing is dramatic but not surprising. One can only hope with Martin Luther King that “The arc of the moral universe is long but bends toward justice.”

The more immediate concern as we wait for that arc to bend is Attorney General William Barr’s relentless efforts on behalf of a more powerful executive. Those efforts are undermining the concept of three co-equal branches of government. If successful and the Supreme Court becomes unbalanced 6-3 in favor of conservatives, it could take decades to rebalance our judicial system. The loss of RBG at this time is particularly upsetting.

She was a tiny giant whose work on behalf of equal pay, equal protection, and equal opportunity changed the landscape for all of us but American women in particular. Her blistering dissents on behalf of equality are legendary. Her law clerks idolized her, and her opinions are renowned for their clarity and carefully crafted prose. As an undergraduate at Cornell,, she studied comparative literature with Vladimir Nabokov, the famous prose stylist, whom she credits with making her a better writer.

She had always been admired by her peers on the court, but became a celebrity to others when she became the subject of two films recognizing her importance on the court, her singular achievements, and the distinctive lace collars she wore when the court was in session – some during oral argument, some for reading majority opinions and others to signal her dissent (photograph at the top of this essay).

Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on Friday, September 18, 2020 and will be buried next to her husband, Marty, at Arlington National Cemetery on Saturday, September 26th following two days in repose under the portico at the Supreme Court and one day in Statuary Hall in the Capitol rotunda.


Vaccines…a Cautionary Tale

Health officials are beginning to wonder whether it will be possible to contain a spreading killer if society does not take more aggressive, intrusive measures. ‘Right now, we are paralyzed,’ said [the] director of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta leading the Federal Government’s epidemiologists tracking the disease. ‘We don’t have the data to fight this epidemic,’ he said yesterday.  

Opponents of widespread mandatory testing argue that it is unnecessary and could prove self-defeating by frightening possibly infected people away from the medical system.” February, 10, 1987 (NY Times)

This quote is from a yellowing article folded up in a book called Ethics and Other Liabilities. I hadn’t looked at the book in decades though the title is one of my favorites. It must have been fate that led me back to it. 

The article’s concern is obviously not the current Covid-19 pandemic but the HIV/AIDS epidemic of the 1980s, though the language could have been taken from today’s paper.

In this ramped up election year, we have a pandemic laying waste to our citizens – and to populations worldwide. Last night, the death toll in America crossed the 200,000 mark. 200,000 innocent victims of an insidious, invisible, invasive, highly contagious virus.

Operation Warp Speed is the public-private partnership initiated by the Trump administration in March to fast track the development, manufacture and distribution of 300,000,000 doses of a Covid-19 vaccine to Americans. Trump has been telling us it will be ready “before a very important day. You know what I’m talking about…” Yes, election day.

No one – not Dr. Robert Redfield his CDC director, not Dr. Anthony Fauci his NIAID director, not Dr. Stephen Hahn his FDA commissioner, not Dr. Jerome Adams his Surgeon General – in the scientific community believes a vaccine will be vetted and ready for distribution by election day – nor should it be. But, that’s the golden ticket Trump is campaigning on.

Rarely have drugs been fast tracked without normal safety and effectiveness protocols, and then only when “it may be effective” and potential benefits outweigh its risks for emergency use. “But, for a vaccine, the agency has always demanded a higher level of assurance of safety, for a simple reason: The vaccine will be given to healthy people.” (William Schulz, deputy commissioner for policy at the FDA, 1994-1999).

After 40 years of research there is no vaccine for HIV/AIDS

Operation Warp Speed is the medical equivalent of the Manhattan Project that developed the nuclear bomb or the Apollo Project that put a man on the moon. Without a vaccine, Covid-19 could be as deadly as the 1918 Spanish Flu that killed 675,000 Americans and between 20-50 million worldwide.

What are the prospects? It’s hard to say. In response to a question by Nicolle Wallace today, Dr. Irwin Redlener, director of Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness cited mumps as a the fastest developed vaccine in medical history. Four years. If a safe and effective vaccine for Covid-19 can be developed it is likely to come sooner than that, but there is no assurance that it can be found. Mumps might be the standard we should refer to for the creation, testing, certification and distribution of a viral vaccine. 

Something to think about: remember Ebola? It killed 11,310 people in three Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone before it was contained. There is no vaccine or cure.

  • Ebola, like Covid-19 is virus. There is no vaccine to combat it’s spread. There are only mitigating strategies to contain and limit the spread. 
  • HIV/AIDS is another virus without a vaccine. There are mitigating therapies but no cure. 
  • SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome is the virus that appeared in February 2003 and mysteriously disappeared in July 2003. There is no vaccine for SARS.
  • Same with MRSA, the antibiotic resistant staph infection. 

Donald Trump is trying desperately to jawbone the coronavirus. His strategy keeps changing. “It’ll go away.” “Testing only creates more cases.” “The US is doing better than any other country.” “Kids are immune.” It’s a patchwork of wishful thinking.

As we enter the stretch toward the November 3rd election, he’s sidelined the country’s best infectious disease experts and brought on board Dr. Scott Adams, a radiologist with no infectious disease credentials to tout what Mr. Trump calls “herd mentality” (he means herd immunity) i.e. letting the virus run its course to see who survives, believing (without proof) that those who survive will develop immunity – at the cost of millions of dead Americans.

I sincerely hope Donald Trump pulls this rabbit out of somewhere. Maybe “a very important” part of his anatomy. I want a vaccine even more than he does, but I want it to be “safe and effective.” That’s the CDC standard, and it won’t come next month. Let’s be realistic. Coronavirus is among us and the guy that cheated on his SAT’s, claimed bone spurs to avoid military service, cheated subcontractors out of their pay, and paid off a porn star to avoid spoiling his presidential run is not the person I trust to vet anything – much less a vaccine. Let the CDC do its work (without interference). Let the FDA certify its safety and effectiveness (without political pressure), and let medical professionals distribute and deliver it. Then I’ll take my dose.

Welcome to the Inferno…

“And he replied: You should already see

across the filthy waves what has been summoned,

unless the marsh’s vapors hide it from you.”

(The Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto VIII)

The vapors have not hidden it. At this point in the Trump presidency filthy waves and catastrophic fires are devastating America. With only 50 days until the second reckoning on November 3, 2020 the swamp creatures have risen to the surface.

“Many in life esteem themselves great men

who then will wallow like pigs in mud,

leaving behind them their repulsive fame.”

(Canto VIII)

The writing is on the wall; Trump is going to lose if there is a fair election. 

But…will there be a fair election?

Not only did Mitch McConnell block the Senate from debating or voting on an election reform bill passed by the House, but the churning waters of the Deep Swamp are implementing a Two Pronged Plan that should scare the bejesus out of any American who holds the United States Constitution sacred.

Prong One, up to and including election day, involves disrupting and slowing processes at the US Postal Service through the removal of mailboxes and dismantling of high-speed sorting machines in parallel with discrediting mail-in balloting, reducing the number of polling places, suppressing voter registration, intimidating voters at the polls, and benefiting from a social media disinformation campaign fed by Russian, Chinese, and Iranian hackers.

Honest candidates who believe in fair elections engage in none of these practices, but Trump has shown us that he is not an honest candidate. He lies, cheats, vilifies, distorts and will do anything to gain a second term.

His supporters are pulling out all the stops and building a set of strategies based on the “Deep State” theory that “coastal elites” have corrupted the democratic process and installed a clandestine network inside the government bureaucracy, intelligence agencies, and other governmental entities to control state policy.

His campaign is fear-based, determined to scare the voters with deep state conspiracies, a black and brown takeover of the suburbs, a tanking economy, anarchy and chaos in the cities, and the return of a socialist/communist ideology.

Rational voters know it’s all bullshit, but today the campaign amped up the rhetoric when Michael Caputo, the deputy assistant for health and public affairs accused Center for Disease Control scientists of “sedition” in their handling of the pandemic and claimed left-wing “hit squads” were preparing for “armed insurrection after the election.” 

Caputo, a protégé of Roger Stone, is a minor figure with a big voice but today’s proclamation leads me to Prong Two of the playbook. For months, Trump has claimed the only way he can lose the election is if it’s “rigged.” He said the same thing in 2016, but eeked out an electoral college win while losing the popular vote. This time that is highly unlikely as he trails Joe Biden in almost every swing state. Nevertheless, he’s laying the groundwork for a post-election challenge.

Prong Two is not a George W. Bush/Al Gore hanging “chads” count the votes challenge. Prong Two threatens America with open rebellion. Caputo talks about “armed insurrection” and last week Roger Stone, the Trumpiest of Trump allies, suggested the president invoke the Insurrection Act, declare martial law, and arrest anyone who “can be proven to be involved in illegal activity” if he loses.

Caputo, Stone, Attorney General Barr, and the shrill voices of the Trump family (see the RNC convention tapes) are not rational actors, but David Brooks of the New York Times is and his column on September 3, 2020 should get your intention. 

Entitled “What Will You Do if Trump Doesn’t Leave,” it begins with Trump declaring early victory on election night. He will capitalize on “day of” returns because they will probably favor him for an early lead. In truth, the election will likely be decided by mail-in ballots. For five years he has been laying the groundwork for a claim that election results based on mail-in balloting would be illegitimate. Get ready for the fight.

It’s not a pretty picture. Will it lead to armed conflict? Will it be decided by the courts? Will Brett Kavanaugh cast the deciding vote? Who will monitor the recount? What about states with no paper backups?

I already had my eyes fixed on his face,

and there he stood out tall, with his chest and  brow

proclaiming his disdain for all this Hell.

My guide, with a gentle push, encouraged me

to move among the sepulchers toward him: 

‘Be sure you choose your words with care,’ he said.

And when I reached the margin of his tomb

he looked at me, and half-contemptuously

he asked, ‘And who would your ancestors be?’

And I who wanted only to oblige him

held nothing back but told him everything. 

At this he lifted up his brows a little,

then said, ‘Bitter enemies of mine they were

and of my ancestors and of my party; 

I had to scatter them not once but twice.’

‘They were expelled, but only to return

from everywhere,’ I said, ‘not once but twice—

an art your men, however, never mastered!  ‘

(Canto X)

Bon Courage, mes Amis…

“Lately one heard the expression ‘Je suis las’,” it meant I’m tired of the way I have to live my life, and this is what Mathieu saw in their faces, in the way they walked. But then, he would think that, he cared for the people of Paris, as though he were a guardian.” Alan Furst – A Hero of France

I’ve just finished two books about the French Resistance in World War II. Madame Fourcade’s Secret War and A Hero of France. Both are about spy networks. I thought they would provide some relief from the Trumpian news cycle but was surprised to find a number of parallels.

Alan Furst’s novel A Hero of France is the 15th of his 16 spy thriller’s centered on the origins and early years of WWII. Madame Fourcade’s Secret War is Lynne Olson’s non-fiction thriller about the woman who led France’s largest Resistance spy network from its formation in 1940 to the end of the war. Both are nail biters but that isn’t the only reason they held my attention.

During this 21st century pandemic, we hear versions of the Mathieu quote, I am tired of the way I have to live my life on a daily basis. American’s are divided, cranky, and undisciplined. Fine people on both sides, as the Commander in Chief is wont to say. We are all exhausted and tired of being locked down. We want to go to restaurants, movies and the gym as we did a year ago. 

In the run-up to the 2020 election we Americans are badly splintered – Republicans and Democrats, vaxers and anti-vaxers, “patriots” and Antifa, reactionaries and socialists, Trumpers and Never-Trumpers, Left Coast and Middle America, blue collars and elites, Red states and Blue states – it’s almost as if we were two different countries.

When the Germans invaded France in May of 1940 it was like a knife through soft butter. The French rolled over. In fact, many who feared the invasion celebrated the fact that they wouldn’t have to fight after all. In July of 1940, the country was divided into Occupied France in the north and Germany’s puppet Vichy government headed by the WWI French hero, Marshall Petain, in the south.

Madame Fourcade’s story is thrilling. She was a privileged young woman in her late 20s at the beginning of the war. She and a friend established Alliance in 1941 and for the next 4 years she managed a network of 3000 resistance fighters. Based in Vichy France, and constantly pursued by Germans and their French collaborators, she was captured, imprisoned and escaped twice (once by slipping naked through the bars of her cell), dying her hair and using prosthetic teeth to change her appearance, but always looking out for the people in her network. In interviews with Lynne Olson the question most often asked is “Do you think you would have had the courage to do what Madame Fourcade did if you were in her position?” Probably not was her answer.

These days, the question I most often hear from friends is “What can we do to make sure Donald J. Trump is denied a second term? This is not occupied WWII France, but neither is this a normal election. Trump is not a normal president. The Republicans in Congress have rolled over like the French did in 1940. The rule of law has been shredded and many of our democratic institutions dismembered and compromised. Republican leaders have either abandoned their principles or been bullied into submission. 

With a worldwide pandemic raging, Russia mounting another attack on our electoral system, independent leaders of the FBI, State Department, DOJ, DHS and HHS fired or replaced, a Trump loyalist with no intelligence experience serving as Director of National Intelligence, an Attorney General determined to support the president in every way, going so far as to represent him in a sexual defamation suit, a Homeland Security chief who tells his staff to withhold information about Russian interference and white supremacist activity, while directing the Post Office to slow or eliminate services just as mail-in balloting is beginning to be important, it feels like we are fighting a Vichy-style government determined to deliver for the boss at all costs. 

This is not Vichy France, but the story of Madame Fourcade is inspiring. She rose to the occasion. She took risks. She put France’s welfare above her own. She was willing to challenge dangerous political adversaries. I don’t know if I would have had her kind of courage under similar circumstances, but I hope to summon the courage to fight the current battle and honorably deprive Donald J. Trump of another term. 

Yes, ‘Je suis las’. I’m tired of the way we have to live too. But let’s rise to the occasion to defeat Trump and the pandemic. Let’s do it together. Stop the crankiness. Be disciplined. Suck it up. We don’t need to risk our lives, but we might be risking our lives and the lives of our countrymen and women if we don’t win in November. Courage, mes amis…

Marie-Madeleine Fourcade

Scrap All Vanity Projects…

In the chaos of the moment, many of us are asking what we can do to right the ship of state. We talk. We read. We watch. We give money if we can. We “like” things on Facebook. We email our friends and urge them to support candidates – and vote. But, somehow it doesn’t feel like enough.

I write a weekly blog, like this one, and because of the president’s actions and the abundance of low hanging fruit I’ve become more political than I wanted to be. It’s satisfying to some extent but not wholly so.

I’ve been working on a travel-memoir project for almost two years. It’s challenging and time consuming, but in one sense it’s also a vanity project. Today, in view of the country’s turmoil, I resolved to put it in secondary position because of the example set by two remarkable women writers.

Kay Boyle and Grace Paley are two of America’s finest and most underrated writers. Ms. Boyle, who died in 1992, was my Master’s in Fiction advisor in the San Francisco State creative writing program. She’s the author of 14 novels, 8 volumes of poetry, 11 collections of short stories, and three children’s books. The mother of 6, a Paris friend of Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Beckett, and Joyce, she was a serious political activist as well. Who says we don’t have enough time to do both. 

Kay Boyle

The other writer is Grace Paley who while not as prolific as Boyle is regarded as one of the 20th century’s finest writers for two collections of short stories, The Little Disturbances of Man and Enormous Changes at the Last Minute, a book of essays, and 3 volumes of poetry.

Grace Paley

Ms. Boyle (to this day I can’t call her Kay) was an avid admirer and promoter of Paley’s fiction and once told me she asked her when she was going to write the novel everyone was waiting for. Paley, very active in the peace and anti-nuclear movements replied “Right after I save the world.

In her own book of essays, Just as I Thought, Paley noted their similarities by relating this observation of Boyle at a peace demonstration;

“I looked at this woman, known by me long ago, long admired, doing work I had barely begun myself. So straight. She had great posture from standing up, I think, to assorted villains and fools. Sometimes the collective bully of the state (ours); sometimes the single-minded nastiness of fools.”

I admired her too. I was in law school at Berkeley during the Free Speech Movement and thought I’d seen it all until one day when the stately Ms. Boyle, then 68 years old, climbed into the back of a pickup truck and shook her fist at S.I. Hayakawa, the president of San Francisco State College, who was rigidly opposing the establishment of an ethnic studies program. Afterwards, Hayakawa denounced her as “the most dangerous woman in America.” Let’s hear it for dangerous women.

These two women inspired me to be a better writer but also to be a better citizen. Now, with only 64 days to the most important election in my lifetime, I’m resolving to put my vanity project on the back burner in order to see the final chapter in Donald Trump’s vanity project.

So… mask up, call your friends, write letters, gather your neighbors, use social media, support your candidates, and get out the vote. This will take all of us working tirelessly. We need this one badly.